With a few short days left in 2024, Bob's Burgers is delivering us one last gift in the form of a new episode. Usually, the show would go on a short holiday hiatus, but this year, it was only for a week.
Given how adorable and bittersweet the Christmas episode is, it's going to be interesting to see how the show follows it up. The holiday episodes are easily some of the best Bob's Burgers content we get all year.
With a title like "Advice Things are Ad-Nice" though, there is truly no shortage of questions and ideas swirling through our minds. The one thing of note in the synopsis is that we're following a Tina storyline which can be hit-or-miss. Ultimately, it's all going to be determined by how they decide to characterize her in the episode.
Either way, that's enough preamble as there is one last Bob's Burgers episode from 2024 to talk about so let's not waste any time.
Here's what happened in "Advice Things are Ad-Nice."
The episode starts with Tina realizing that there's a pimple on her butt and having a clear attitude in the morning before school. At school, Tina hears Mr. Frond talking about the "Ask an Eighth Grader" column and she's the only one around so she gets volunteered to run it but it's anonymous so no one can know. Meanwhile, at the restaurant, Teddy shares that he's helping the pioneers with their Bounty of the Bay parade float.
At lunch, Tina tells Gene and Louise about her new column but she keeps refreshing and has no emails. Later that night, Louise wants to send a question to "Ask an Eighth Grader" and Linda decides to add some pizzazz. The following morning, Tina sees the question and is excited to answer it. Louise and Linda keep sending questions for Tina to answer which backfires as everyone wants to know who it is.
Things get even more intense after Miss Am I Normal? is picked as the parade ambassador and Louise goes to admit it to Tina but Tammy claims she's Miss Am I Normal. Tina is immediately upset and confronts Tammy. The two agree that they'll keep the other's secret until at the parade, Tammy admits that none of the stuff she said was true so the other kids immediately want to turn on her.
Before Tammy can do any more damage, Tina steps in and shares that she's "Ask an Eighth Grader," and tells the truth about Miss Am I Normal with Louise and Linda admitting the truth. The rest of Tina's classmates all say that they're Miss Am I Normal. The episode ends with Teddy running the float for the Pioneers along with becoming a probational Pioneers member and Louise saying that Tina's good at giving advice which she should take.
Bob's Burgers ended 2024 with a pretty good episode.
If there's one thing Bob's Burgers can tend to do, it's give Tina the most unlikely situations to deal with and that was the case with "Advice Things are Ad-nice." However, the thing I liked about this episode is that Tina was behaving like a teenager. While she can have her moments, Tina is more of a laid-back and easygoing character who can be sensitive. This time though, the show gave us a more realistic portrayal which was nice.
Additionally, it was nice to see Louise and Linda working together to help her out. While things didn't go exactly as planned, Tina was able to help out in her own way. Given how the episode ended, it's clear Tina was wiser and had some insightful things to share. Ultimately, it was nice to see Tina being herself and getting to have this small victory even though Tammy tried to take it from her.
As for Teddy's storyline, it was absurd but in a way that works on Bob's Burgers. Teddy can tend to get himself in some sticky situations, but this time, it worked for him. Since this was an episode focused on Tina and Teddy, it was nice to see our two T's get what they wanted in the end. We can only hope that "Ask an Eighth Grader" eventually returns as that is such a fun concept.
Bob's Burgers airs on Sundays on Fox at 9/8c.