Could Marvel Zombies be Disney's adult animated hit?

Marvel Zombies is coming soon to Disney+.
Zombie Captain America in Marvel Studios' WHAT IF...? exclusively on Disney+. Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Zombie Captain America in Marvel Studios' WHAT IF...? exclusively on Disney+. Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.

2025 is going to be a great year for animated shows. There are so many incredible ones coming out including Marvel Zombies which was modeled after an episode of What If...?

If you haven't watched the episode, it's basically following members of the Avengers as they're turned into zombies and a zombie outbreak overtakes the world. If it sounds intense and scary, it's because the episode was downright terrifying and unlike anything we had seen to that point.

While the episode was scary at times, it was also really good and that's where Marvel Zombies came into play. It was recently announced that Marvel Zombies will premiere on October 3rd which is just a short almost 7-month wait. The other cool tidbit is that this series is going to be rated MA, meaning there is bound to be a lot of violence and mature content.

No matter if you watched What If..? or not, Marvel Zombies might be a sleeper hit when looking at some of the other planned Marvel releases for 2025.

Marvel Zombies could be Disney's next big sleeper hit.

Let's start with the most exciting part of this which is that Marvel Zombies is going to be firmly catered towards adult audiences. While Marvel movies tend to appeal to viewers of all ages, it's going to be nice to see a Marvel show-rated MA. If you watched the What If...? episode, you'll know just how brutal things can get, and director Bryan Andrews clearly didn't come to play with this one.

Additionally, the series is going to feature some A-list actors voicing some of our favorite characters including Elizabeth Olsen, Simu Lu, Hailee Steinfeld, Iman Vellani, and Florence Pugh. As you can see, Marvel Zombies is hopefully going to be giving us some zombified versions of our favorite characters and they couldn't have picked a more exciting bunch. Even if they aren't zombies, this is a pretty stacked lineup.

If there's one thing to get animated fans excited, it's a good animation style and if it's the same as the original episodes, fans are in for a real treat. Hand-in-hand with that, animation leaves so much more room to tackle ideas and stunts you couldn't easily do with live-action projects. That's part of the reason why Marvel tends to do better with its animated projects as there are truly no limits.

With the series premiering in October, it's coming out at the perfect time for Halloween viewing, and Marvel knows that. No matter if you loved the What If..? episode, read the comics, or just want to see zombified Marvel characters, then that's more than enough reason to be excited about this upcoming project.

Marvel Zombies will premiere on Disney+ on October 3rd.