The lore of the Bob's Burgers Movie is never-ending. For long-time Bob's fans, it felt like the film would never come.
Every time we'd get some good news, something would push it back. Considering that the film was originally intended for a 2020 release, we all know what happened there. Eventually, the film was released almost 2 years later in May 2022.
Sadly upon the film's release, it didn't get nearly the box office numbers everyone had hoped for but it also went up against Top Gun: Maverick. Even so, the film is an utter delight and something to connect both new and old fans of the series. The Bob's Burgers Movie was good but I think we can see the cast and crew do it better a second time so let's break down why we'd love another Bob's Burgers Movie.
Let's order up another Bob's Burgers movie, Disney!

1. The film could give us more much-needed backstory
The first reason why I think we need another Bob's Burgers Movie is that the first film gave us so much information. On film, the show truly came alive and showed us characters we'd never seen before. It was just so awesome to see more backstory especially when it came to Bob. In the series, we never officially got to see Bob's mom, and seeing that glimpse of her in the film truly brought tears to my eyes.
Heading into another Bob's Burgers film, we could see even more of Bob's backstory along with learning more about Teddy, Linda's family especially Gayle, and a bit more of the Belcher sibling's childhoods. We do get brief flashbacks but seeing both Bob and Linda's early life along with some of the kids growing up would be amazing.
2. The production is just better
If there's one thing I can quickly pinpoint about the film, it's that the art style is gorgeous. While the show does have a great style, it's more stylized and beautiful in The Bob's Burgers Movie. Maybe it's due to a higher production budget but the crew really nailed it. Coupled with the witty and fun writing we know from the show, the production of the film was out of this world.
The Bob's Burgers Movie also had much larger and more detailed sequences. In particular, the scene where the kids visit all the carnival workers is especially cool. It's just really awesome to see all of those details on the big screen when they aren't as noticeable or considered as much with the production of the series.

3. There is already interest in a sequel
This next reason might be a cop-out but upon the film's release, the creator of the show and director of the film: Loren Bouchard, and Nora Smith, a long-time Bob's Burgers player and co-writer for the screenplay were interviewed. When talking to Variety, Smith was quoted as saying:
"When we were making this movie, all the stuff we couldn’t put into this one, because it didn’t fit this story, we were like, “Oh, maybe we’ll do it in the sequel.” Bouchard also followed up by saying: " We would love to make another movie. It was really fun, and so of course, you can’t help starting to think, what would it be?"
Ultimately, the interview nearly confirmed or denied the existence of a sequel yet it's clear Bouchard is thinking about it. However, that's good enough for us but it's reason enough to share.
4. Another Bob's Burgers movie would be an excellent finale
Rounding out my reasons is one that is sad to think about but wrapping up Bob's Burgers with another movie would be epic. Bouchard has teased so much about how the Belchers will eventually get their big break so to speak so seeing it start or at least, the beginning of it in a movie would be amazing. The production would be perfect and it would be the best way to say goodbye to the Belchers.
As much as I love the series, I'd love to see things end on the big screen. The show has so many storylines and characters left to explore so a movie could give us the best of both worlds. It would be a sequel and the end of the series. While it's unclear when Bob's Burgers will go off the air, having a movie to wrap things up would be pretty perfect.
The Bob's Burgers Movie is currently streaming on Hulu and Disney+.
Do you think the Bob's Burgers Movie will get a sequel? Do you want a sequel? Be sure to share with us!