The Simpsons might have fulfilled another prediction when several of their past episodes had pivotal or worthy moments that have been reborn as memes. So, they were a thing before they became a well-known thing.
We should be surprised, but we're not because The Simpsons built a reputation on future events unfolding and realistic scenarios. It's part of the show's lore that several fans are familiar with. Will The Simpsons be the same without them? The answer would be a "no," as we said, the Fox animated comedy thrives on real-life events.
Anyway, memes have become a staple of our pop culture and online personal expression. They depict our feelings, our actions, and how we perceive life.
As many memes have blasted out of The Simpsons' universe, we had to settle them down to five.
5 of best The Simpsons memes from the show

Grampa enters and exits
Episode: Season 6's "Bart After Dark"
After Bart damages a gargoyle at the Burlesque House, he has to work there (to Homer's persistence) for the compensation and find himself witnessing a more "colorful" side of the Adult World. Naturally, you're going to bump into customers who enjoy that life spectrum.
And you're likely to bump into people that you know. Such as Grampa, who walks in, then as quickly, leaves when he sees Bart. I guess he doesn't want the young folks know about his little secret.
The scene has since been utilized as a meme to get out of a sticky situation before the inevitable happens.

Mr. Burns "Excellent"
Episode: Several and counting
Mr. Burns continuous use of his catchphrase "Excellent" has a permanent fixture in The Simpsons' universe, with it only being second to Homer's "D'oh." The tycoon often expresses "excellent" when something goes accordingly, something good happens, or if he likes something. Or Burns just randomly throws the word in there for comedic effort.
Like Burns, online users uses the Excellent meme to celebrate something that is excellent.

Homer Disappearing Into Bush
Episode: Season 5's "Homer Loves Flanders"
Homer Disappearing Into Bush is perhaps the best-known meme from The Simpsons. It has so many emotions embedded into one movement- disclusion, awkwardness, and seeing something you shouldn't have. It's the perfect, noncommunicating measure to tell someone that you're uncomfortable, with a slice of hilarity.
The meme was marketed as a Funko POP and recreated in several episodes, including season 36, "The Yellow Lotus."

Pray For Mojo
Episode: Season 9's "Girly Edition"
When Homer sees a helper monkey assisting Apu at the Kwik-E-Mart, he wants one of his own so he could no longer have to do household chores. Whatever you have to do Homer to squeeze in a few more minutes of TV.
The lazy man allows his monkey Mojo to become overweight and sickly, so he returns him to the training center where he got him from. On the doorstep, Mojo types out the message, "Pray for Mojo" for a quick recovery.
These days, the "Pray for Mojo" meme is a symbol for a hopeful and speedy healing period.

Join Us
Episode: Season 9's "Lisa The Simpson"
Lisa fears that she's losing her intelligence and becoming like her dad and Lord help her, her brother, Bart. She soons joins in on their whims, and begin to accepts her new identity.
One such whim is watching TV and sitting on the couch, and that's where the Join Us meme comes from. It's a hesitant move whether you should embrace the weirdness and accept things as they are or try to correct them.
The Join Us meme is actually an invite to join in the fun.