Peter Griffin is just prone to causing shenanigans in Family Guy, and while they might or might not be intentional, because seriously, who wants to ensue chaos, they're added in for the humor factor. We always fall for the shenanigans and laugh because it's part of the show's content and pathos.
Over the years, Peter has become increasingly confident in making one of his well-known devices become the running gag of Family Guy. Some of his best include welfare fraud (don't do it), being a Godfather to Susie, and who could forget Peter's obsession with the track "Surfin' Bird"?
These are just a few of the schemes Peter has pulled, and with season 23 currently rolling out, there's bound to be many, many more as the TV dad finds something new that childly delights him. Then the rest falls into place, or crumbles down, depending on how you look at it.
Speaking of looking at it, we're highlighting five of Peter's impetuous shenanigans through the years. I can't blame the guy, as he doesn't fully think it through and has the cognitive value of a child, and they're hilarious.
5 of Peter Griffin's most outrageous shenanigans on Family Guy
Peter take a ride on Brian
"He's Too Sexy For His Fat"
Season 2
After Peter drops a ton of weight through surgery, he thins himself out, literally. One of the things he wanted to try was to ride Brian pony back, despite his canine best friend being significantly smaller. But knowing Peter, he does it anyway, and poor Brian had to bear the discomfort and humiliation.
Peter's reverts back to his original frame and habits, and learns nothing from the ordeal .
Peter's Playhouse
"Peter Griffin: Husband, Father . . .Brother?"
Season 3
During a genealogy trip to the library, Peter and Chris discover that they're the descendants of the African American plantation worker, Nathaniel "Nate" Griffin. What's more surprising is that Peter's father-in-law, Carter Pewterschmidt, was Nate's owner. To keep quiet of the scandal, Carter grants $10,000 as reparation.
Naturally, reparation payments go to Black nonprofits or community structuring, Peter, insteads, transforms part of his house into Peter's Playhouse, per the style of Pee-Wee's Playhouse from the 1980s. I do love Peter's creativity and how got the display down to a "T," but it was also a complete mishandling of the funds.
Fortunately, at the end, Peter donates the rest of his grant to the community.
Surfin' Bird
"I Dream of Jesus"
Season 3
Peter get into the Dancer Guy mode when he hears his favorite song, "Surfin' Bird" by The Trashmen in the diner. As it's not a track from the 1950s, per the diner's theme, (the song's release was 1960) the manager nearly tosses the record. Peter saves it, only to become dangerously addicted, causing migraines for the rest of the family.
Brian and Stewie try to destroy every record in Quahog and even the surrounding areas to give them peace of mind. However, their attempts were in vain, as it was none other than Jesus Christ who resurrected "Surfin' Bird" at the end.
It wasn't the end of the wonky track. Peter continuously played it in further seasons.
Peter gets lost in a grocery store
"Halloween On Spooner Street"
Season 9
We tend to get lost in grocery stores as kids, and I, for one, am guilty of this act. But Peter, a man in his 40s, got lost while shopping with Lois. He bawls down and is taken to the customer service department. Lois is embarrassed, naturally, but at least Peter got a balloon out of the deal.
I never got a balloon, just my mother's happy tears.
Finding the ticket
"Lottery Fever"
Season 10
In an effort to gain some additional income, Peter plays the State Lottery. He gets false tickets printed to increase his winning chances, and although that's a felony, it works in Peter's favor. How the law enforcements didn't catch it is beyond me, but that's besides the point.
With millions now in the bank, Peter gets rather, um, let's say stupid, and spends it on frivolous things. The money also alters his character, making him a jerk to his friends. However, they know that this is just another phase of Peter's, so they let it roll and let go. In fact, Quagmire gives him money so he can get his house back when Peter experiences a second lottery win fail.
Despite his sex-addict ways, Quagmire's a pretty good guy.