Bob's Burgers

BOB'S BURGERS: While the Belchers attend the closing night of their bankrupt drive-in movie theater, Bob reminisces about meeting his childhood crush Ramona and devises a plan to save it. Linda accidentally insults a PTA mom, and Gene and Louise steal some of Tina’s candy on the all-new "Saving Favorite Drive-In" episode of BOB'S BURGERS airing Sunday, Oct 6 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS © 2024 by 20th Television

Why Sunday nights are not the same without Bob's Burgers

Evelyn Ulrich

Why Bob's Burgers needs a new food truck storyline

Will Bob's Burgers ever produce another St. Patrick's Day episode?

Which March episode of Bob's Burgers is the best?

BOB'S BURGERS: Bob and the kids help a down-on-his-luck restaurant owner, while Linda and Teddy get carried away with St. Patrick's Day festivities in the "Flat-Top O' the Morning to Ya" episode of BOB’S BURGERS airing Sunday, March 15 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS © 2020 by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

Did you know Bob's Burgers aired a St. Patrick's Day episode?

Rebecca Mills

BOB'S BURGERS: Tina is caught in a dilemma when Mr. Frond’s computer video game shoots her show, ‘The Tina Table’ into popularity, but the effects of his game take a toll on the school’s natural order. Meanwhile, Bob and Linda get a little too carried away with the ritual of recounting horror movies to Teddy and begin making up their own plots on the all-new "The Tina Table: The Tables Have Tina-ed" episode of BOB'S BURGERS airing Sunday, Sept 29 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS © 2024

Bob's Burgers: Will the show ever produce a spinoff?

Rebecca Mills

FAMILY GUY: Peter and Homer get into new kinds of trouble in the season premiere ÒThe Simpsons GuyÓ episode of FAMILY GUY airing Sunday, September 28 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. FAMILY GUY/THE SIMPSONS ª and © 2014 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

The top 5 animated TV dads: Homer Simpson, Bandit Heeler, and more

Evelyn Ulrich

Bob's Burgers season 15 image.

How Bob's Burgers can take a page from Bluey's book

Rebecca Mills
BOB'S BURGERS: Tina is caught in a dilemma when Mr. Frond’s computer video game shoots her show, ‘The Tina Table’ into popularity, but the effects of his game take a toll on the school’s natural order. Meanwhile, Bob and Linda get a little too carried away with the ritual of recounting horror movies to Teddy and begin making up their own plots on the all-new "The Tina Table: The Tables Have Tina-ed" episode of BOB'S BURGERS airing Sunday, Sept 29 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS © 2024

Will Bob's Burgers make a jump from cable to streaming eventually?

Rebecca Mills
BOB'S BURGERS: A ValentineÕs Day fight between Bob and Linda has the kids feeling confused. After a failed attempt to see a movie, itÕs up to Tina, Louise and Gene to tell their own story as a distraction from the awkward tension in the "Bed, Bob and BeyondÓ episode of BOBÕS BURGERS airing Sunday, Feb. 10 (8:30-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB'S BURGERSª and © 2019 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CR: FOX

Ranking the Bob's Burgers Valentine's Day episodes

Rebecca Mills
BOB'S BURGERS: Linda tries to take her family to the symphony on free admission night, but her efforts are thwarted by a pinworm epidemic in the "Worms of In-Rear-MentÓ episode of BOBÕS BURGERS airing Sunday, Oct. 4 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOBÕS BURGERS © 2020 by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

Bob's Burgers: Why Bob and Linda are truly relationship goals

Rebecca Mills

BOB'S BURGERS: Louise convinces her parents to cash in on the lucrative Valentine's Day dinner business, even though it means putting Bob and Linda's own Valentine's Day plans on hold. Meanwhile, Tina attends Tammy's Anti-Valentine's Day party in the "Romancing the Beef" ValentineÕs Day-themed episode of BOBÕS BURGERS airing Sunday, Feb. 14 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOBÕS BURGERS © 2021 by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

Which February episode of Bob's Burgers is the best?

Rebecca Mills

BOB'S BURGERS: Teddy gets stuck in an underground survival bunker, and he calls on Bob to find him and get him out in the "Mission Impossi-Bob" episode of BOB'S BURGERS airing Sunday, Jan 7 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS © 2023 by 20th Television. Image Credit to Fox.

5 Bob's Burgers episodes to watch until the show comes back from hiatus

Rebecca Mills

Bob's Burgers: The Health Inspector Suspects Cannibalism (Season 1 Clip) | TBS
Icon / VideoCreated with Sketch.

Which January episode of Bob's Burgers was the best?

Rebecca Mills
BOB'S BURGERS: Linda enlists the family to make a video for her parents' anniversary in the "Poops!... I DidnÕt Do It AgainÓ episode of BOBÕS BURGERS airing Sunday, May 3 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOBÕS BURGERS © 2020 by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

4 sporty Bob's Burgers episodes to watch before the Super Bowl

Rebecca Mills
Bob's Burgers season 15 image.

5 hopes for Bob's Burgers in 2025

Rebecca Mills
BOB'S BURGERS: While the Belchers attend the closing night of their bankrupt drive-in movie theater, Bob reminisces about meeting his childhood crush Ramona and devises a plan to save it. Linda accidentally insults a PTA mom, and Gene and Louise steal some of Tina’s candy on the all-new "Saving Favorite Drive-In" episode of BOB'S BURGERS airing Sunday, Oct 6 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS © 2024 by 20th Television

Why we need a Bob's Burgers New Year's Eve special

Rebecca Mills

Bob's Burgers season 15 image.

Bob's Burgers recap and review: "Advice Things Are Ad-nice"

Rebecca Mills

Bob's Burgers season 15, episode 6 image.

4 Bob's Burgers episodes we loved in 2024

Rebecca Mills

Bob's Burgers season 15 image.

Bob's Burgers recap and review: "Dog Christmas Day After Afternoon"

Rebecca Mills
BOB'S BURGERS: When Gayle tells the family she’s sending in an audition tape to be on Tough Stuff Island, Linda is determined to make her tape boring to save her from being humiliated on a rejection reel. Bob struggles with his new electric grinder while the kids secretly attempt to make Gayle’s tape more interesting on the all-new "The Right Tough Stuff" episode of BOB'S BURGERS airing Sunday, Sept 15 (8:30-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS © 2024 by 20th Television

The meat of the matter: Revisiting the Bob's Burgers pilot episode

Wade Wainio
Bob's Burgers season 15 image.

Bob's Burgers recap and review: "They Slug Horses, Don't They?"

Rebecca Mills
BOB'S BURGERS: When the power goes out two days before Christmas, The Belchers must spend the holiday at Mr. Fischoeder's family's old hunting lodge in the "The Nightmare 2 Days Before Christmas" episode of BOB'S BURGERS airing Sunday, Dec 17 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS © 2023 by 20th Television. Image Credit to Fox.

Bob's Burgers: Is there a Christmas episode for 2024?

Rebecca Mills

Twas The Night Before Christmas | Season 4 Ep. 8 | BOB'S BURGERS
Icon / VideoCreated with Sketch.

Enjoy your Bob's Burgers Christmas episodes with a Dutch Baby

Rebecca Mills

BOB'S BURGERS: When the power goes out two days before Christmas, The Belchers must spend the holiday at Mr. Fischoeder's family's old hunting lodge in the "The Nightmare 2 Days Before Christmas" episode of BOB'S BURGERS airing Sunday, Dec 17 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS © 2023 by 20th Television. Image Credit to Fox.

All the Bob's Burgers Christmas episodes ranked including season 14

Rebecca Mills

Bob's Burgers season 15, episode 7 image.

Bob's Burgers recap and review: "Boogie Days"

Rebecca Mills
A Turducken Thanksgiving | Season 3 Ep. 5 | BOB'S BURGERS
Icon / VideoCreated with Sketch.

Linda's Thanksgiving song from Bob's Burgers is a must-listen

Rebecca Mills
Open Mic Night at Bob's Burgers Album Art.

Bob's Burgers drops its newest EP with Hollywood Records

Rebecca Mills